For those of you in healthy, successful relationships AND too forward/not subtle
Guys undermining you while ‘flirting’?
Aquarius- do you text with anyone 24/7? If so, who is it?
I’m so incredibly lonely
3 month difference after quitting
Leaving a Controlling Household – How Can I Get My Important Documents?
How to socialize at a bar? 24M
Feeling the disappointment even though I know I shouldn’t.
Pls draw me as a vampire
Do Aquarius like it when you ignore them?
What's the best example of Reddit not representing reality?
Tricks you discover when you are broke.
As an autistic women, do you feel you are understood better by men/boys?
People say Geminis aren’t clingy but mine won’t let me go
Experience with Gemini connections?
I just ended a two and a half year relationship with a Gemini…
How to approach men in real life
Q: Do you lose your personality as you grow up?
I can’t lose weight!
How can I become relationship material (vs. FWB/side chick material)?
What should i watch after skins
Finding someone on your level emotionally and intellectually is so freeing
volume 5 cast aging like fine wine
Struggling to Date Because I Don’t Fit “Traditional Black Beauty Standards”—Anyone Else?”
gen 1 opinions