What is the best manga chapter
Immediately thought of Baiser, when only she said that. Similar way of thinking, plus that look and smile. For those who want to know the name of the upper one, here it is: Fuguushoku "Kanteishi" ga Jitsu wa Saikyou Datta.
Started a little shrine
Capella vs Utena, who wins?
I can only imagine what was their meeting like, after recording that legendary spanking scene. For the record: on the left Hikasa Youko - Lord Enorme's VA and on the right Fuuka Izumi - Hiiragi Utena/Magia Baiser's VA.
When you found yourself a switch. [She-Ra and the Princesses of Power] (ArtKitt)
Okay, but we can all agree that smile was creepy as hell. Tbh. Baiser's smile seems so innocent in comparison.
I always wondered why he decided to leave in this moment, instead of finishing them off. I understand Mizu would somehow try to dodge his strike, but c'mon. Plot armor maybe? Not sure.
It's interesting how she is using the term "revolting" but never "disgusting".
Sayo ships Kiwiruko confirmed.
Are you a cat person or a dog person? Personally, I like cats more, even got two in my home.
On a scale of Casca how are you feeling today?
To think I've only started to collect those about a month ago. The numbers I still need are: 1-2, 12, 23-25 and 38-39, because I don't need all of them.
New template
Gushing Over Magical Girls Season 2 is Officially in Production
Nice nickname for her. Source: Volume 6.5.
Your favorite panels?
This is exactly why she is one of my favourite seiyuu. It's incredible what kind of crazy main role she got in her debut and she managed to play it perfectly.
I was rewatching Nichijou, the moment with nagashi somen came in (Episode 10) and since Otose and this old lady share the same voice actress, I could imagine Otose doing exactly the same thing in her place.
We need more rom-com mc's like him. Truly the goat.
Their reaction is one thing, but her using the term of "old crone" is really something, even for a troll. Source: Beauty and the Beast part II
Literally me
Star Wars reference
Exactly a year ago. Btw. I am impressed Utena was only watching them and not...you know. I am impressed.
I've just finished this game on my birthday for the third time. Only one ending has left for me to achieve and it's "Shura" ending. Btw. what is your favourite Sekiro ending?