LSE ESD & Econ
How to self study A level Maths? (No support from teachers and No tuition)
How many to apply for…?
Would getting a 6 in one of your GCSEs rule you out from LSE?
xenophobia towards international applicants
Feeling confused
I hate this guy
What’s an A-Level you took and instantly regretted?
Jeddah to Makkah?
Just booked my first Umrah
Interview preparation?
Worrying about my A Level choices
Rejected from Cambridge with tmua score of 8.5
Are my GCSE grades good enough for an offer at LSE?
Any lucy cavendish applicants?
any st john’s cambridge interviews?
is queen mary that bad?
2.5/5 !! 🍞🍞🍞
Cambridge applicants, what grades are you applying with?
any tips on how to revise RM psychology?
Thoughts on Harvey Specter?
no offers yet?