[COD] Who is your favourite silent protagonist in the whole franchise?
Youre ex won the lottery and beeging you to came back, what would you say ?
Rapper name
Let's go! Don't be shy :)
Guess my age by my profile!
Never could have expected this
Man test : is this COOL?
STOPP!!!!, Read the picture
Name my creature.
What are you bringing
Give me a meme, I'll see if ur good
Hogyan nevezzem el a kutyámat? Most kaptam a gyermekeimtől.
I think I know which outfit I’m picking
Any way to toggle blood/gore?
What am I based on my phones?
What do you see?
What breed?
What deal is this guy going give you?
the good old days
Do it
Guess the superpower!
How do you play GTA?
Guess how old I am based on my spotify homescreen.
What would Elon’s pizza company be called
Gen Alpha who is this?