Spreadsheet for Reg G
What Unincluded Pokemon or group of pokemon (not including shedinja) do you think would shake up the meta most if added to Scarlet and Violet?
How can I make Mimikyu work in the current format?
The most FPL season of FPL to ever happen: Bench Edition
Reg I duos
Sneasler issues
Is there any other EV spreads I could use for my team that would fit better because I feel like some of the 252s are too simple.
Conceptualizing a Team
Any ideas for a tablet, yet offensive EV spread for Metagross?
Need advice/thought on my UPDATED Zamazenta Team
In reg G, Flamigo is actually better without co-star
Any good Pelipper EV spreads?
Looking for Ways to Improve this Team
New Groundon Reg G team. Feels a little greedy. How can I improve it?
Inconsistent Groudon
Substitution ideas for current format
Any tips, suggestions, or changes for my Reg G Kyogre/rain team?
Is there a way to drop from a regionals before it officially begins?
Team Tinkering vs Practicing
Is vgc still fun if you’re not very good? Questions about getting into it.
Should I swap the Trick Room setter?
need last mon(again)
Struggling to settle on my sixth slot
Struggling with the final slot on my team