Got HyperOS 2.0(India Poco X6)
Human development index 2011
Vishnu Sanatani saving Sanatan from Santa.
How much insecure can we even get ?
What are you gonna choose ?
Rate this bus driver
How many of you have watched BLEACH?
[Testing] First ever post on the SPIT Mumbai subreddit.
College travelling expense
Switched from Manjaro into EndeavourOS
Finished my first Celeste playthrough
As much as 36.6% of direct tax revenue comes from Maharashtra alone
Zar mi aaj kala asto....
to wipe
Any anime recommendations for me?
Zar mi aaj gora asto..
How do you say 'Cat' in your language? I'll go first! ✨Kucing ✨
Who will win Mumbai? Shivsena-Shinde or Shivsena UBT ?
Bapu ka ek hi sapna
Jivdani temple, virar
Back when my drawing peaked
Recommend me anime based on this 3x3
Who is the most well-written female character in anime/manga ??