Name a character that have been trough harder than jesse
After 5 years im still having goosebumps watching this moment.
Crying rn
Your favorite Luck moment
Just got gow 3 remastered. Anything I should know before playing?
Rate my breaking bad edit transition
106 episodes into the anime and this is my top 5 so far
Hey, new to youtube editing and this subreddit and i would appreciate some boost and help on my channel and edit I published please🙏
Who is this?( wrong answers only)
Youtube algorithm question(if when i upload)
Its been 30 minutes what should i do lol
What do you think is the deepest quote in all of God Of War?:
Saddest scene in god of war series ?
Help? My game doesn’t even start
Recieved my rep PS5 Controller!
What is your favourite kratos weapon?
Premission to cry?
Sorry but this is the shittiest part of the game i had to make this
What is this?
What's this anime?
My 13th Platinum goes to God of War 2018
Favorite god of war game?
I completed the whole series on all systems in anticipation of the 20th anniversary
I did it!
Just rewatched black clover for the 100 time( because im waiting for the anime to come back) and noticed this scene