How thin is too thin?
That's why they are Main Victims
Trying to get a job makes me want to blow my head off
I applied for over 2000+ jobs in the past 6 months and I can’t get hired. 31 year old male.
This game is for losers
This game is for fucking losers
Is this generally the ideal feminine figure?
How much muscle is "too much muscle" on a woman?
Picks or Chase?
Can a fit and athletic body make up for a mid face?
The dude doesn’t think it’s a bad trade
Do tanlines make lingerie and swimsuits look hotter?
Celebrities that I think look like an average person without styling and makeup. How much of a difference do you think it makes?
Do you find her attractive?
Thoughts on Priyanka Chopra? How attractive is she by western beauty standards?
I walked out of an interview after one question. Was I wrong?
Do Men Actually Like Fake Breasts, or Just in Photos?
Clown sucks
Salt Megathread 🧂
How high on the scale do you need to be for someone to genuinely find you attractive?
Love survivor tears
Survivors deserve everything they get
Do unattractive people find each other attractive? Or are they just settling for unattractive partner?
Which body type is more sexually appealing ?
Why are blonde women frequently associated with a more sexualized image than other women?