A lot have said I have a grandfather & uncle with me. Does anyone pick up on names ? They’ve even mentioned them wanting me to start my own business. I know.. very specific. I appreciate everyone’s time if you read this
Drawing books PDF (for brokies like me) mainly anatomy
AIO? Boyfriend called me a cow because I threw a pair of gloves in his direction
Am I overreacting? I said he’s cheating jokingly and he looked very worried
Naming this guy is harder than it looks! Help me out with some suggestions. 🐶✨
What were your first symptoms of pregnancy?
Man running up to me in dream woke up really scared
need an outsiders opinion. do i look better with dark or light hair?
Tell me what to do from start to finish.
How to help my sister with first pregnancy / birth?
Is there anyway to save this?
Is their any way to make this looks nicer ?
I’m worried about his afterlife
Man running up to me in my dream, and I woke up with my heart pounding terrified
Would darker hair suit me better? (filter looks weird lol)
What comes to your mind when you hear “the west”?
What hair color looks best on me??
So much about Bodypump recently... Where are my Bodybalance people!? What's your fav release and why?
PDF Workout Guides drive
Season of giving 🎄
What is everyone’s thoughts on the cia gateway tapes?
What is everyone’s thoughts on the CIA Gateway Tapes?
Spending time with my grandma and she is seeing things..
Baby dad / boyfriend throws in my face I don’t have a job..
Having a hard time, figuring out which eye shape I have