The Body
Any have an idea where this is in the Elder Scrolls universe ? Genuinely curious.
What do you think Giles would say about Kindles?
Question on the Faith and punishment for being sexually active (Spoilers MAIN)
Do we all agree?
Why should I read the books?
Morrowind being Morrowind…
Meta Patrick Stewart is almost best Patrick Stewart
First line that comes to mind
What can I do?
Who are you choosing and why?
Got a lot of books from my grandmother (more coming tomorrow!) for my graduation gift! I've heard nothing but good things about almost all of these books, so I'm excited!
What was your favourite roast in the show?
Who do you think the 3 men were?
Who is this and what is the context?
Are there any Buffy The Vampire Slayer and/or Angel lines that get stuck in your head, pop into your head at random times, or you randomly think about?
My Game Feels Like Its Under-utilizing My Hardware.
Sam reid is Lestat (?)
IWTV nation, do we riot?
Who's your favourite vampire that came from video games?
Catherine of Aragon
Is Outlaw King a good movie? How does it compare to BraveHeart? A clip caught my attention, of Edward II having 2 swans in chokehold! So I will probably watch Outlaw king tomorow 🦢
Why is everyone so negative about the sequel series?
Found This In My Screenshots Folder
Frank Frazetta