They knew what we were thinking
Me waiting for USS9 nerf:
Why is nobody using this op skill
OJ gets MePhoneX to delete Salt
How the FUCK I can quick scope with this ? (Ignore the build btw idonno what I was doing)
Gun Tier List Part 1: Type 25
Codm quiz - 3: What's wrong in this image?
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
What is the best ak47 skin?
Codm quiz - 1: What's wrong with this image?
Unpopular or controversial opinions about the game, I start
Write the name of your "fav operator" and let your keyboard finish the sentence
Which gun has a good mythic and good legendary? Most upvoted comment wins
She isn't even out yet wtaf
I hate this fucking shit so much
MG-42 is King !!!
Send me some mha memes
Brawl Stars - Ollie, The King of Starr Park (Gay parody)
Respect to midnight?
Remote is “no screen time, still loved”. Who has the most annoying voice?
If you could use the akimbo perk on any gun, which gun would it be?
Quick question, who is your comfort codm content creator that you enjoy watching their content? I'll go first.
This is my favourite gun in the game
Will this skin just GET OUT
I'm bored again so, how known am I here?