What are the other games in the stack?
Who would win in a fight?
You know what, I think it’s high time we do this for Cobra Kai
Which one should I get
WHERE do I use him?
How do I get this Gogeta
Speed Demon 3; Call-Out Edition
Is it bad if I say I wanted evo vegeta lmao😭
Who are some artists you became fans of because of DOOM.
Most hyped lr ezas
Is this the worst deal in all of CR history?
After years of wanting to play and a couple false starts, I’m really going for it.
Why is my WMI provider host taking up so much CPU?
Boycott with your dollar 2/28 is
Friend and I are playing right now.
would you consider these two friends by now
6:18 The Breakup Tape
Who to get?
Who should I talk to after I beat Giygas?
Would it be crazy to get VEGETA??
DOOM rings and cops