We have a winner!
I hope they get everything they voted for & more!
Anyone here listen to Quadible Integrity?
We must stand together ✊ throwback to this
When you shouldn't put yourself on anything involving the word "race"
I understand why'd they think that, but I don't think they understand how much their militaries depend on the US.
Or they’re just plain stupid
Before there was black Panther there was GetOut
This is racism at its finest.
They say this is what the WT folks heard when they seen Kendrick Lamar perform.
Life comes at you fast.
Legends never die
Seems legit
Why the hell did 53% of white women vote for Trump?
How to prepare for lifeguard recert
Asians, do white expats assimilate into your country and culture?
Asian Girlfriend thinks white people are superior
[Megathread] Make Friends Here
4 Japanese Mitsubishi G4M (BETTY) bombers attack the American invasion force between Guadalcanal and Tulagi on 8 August 1942 [2,560×2,002]
Stop calling Gi-Hun's plan stupid
Youtube now suddenly blocks me for using Brave. Never had this before
Europeans in America
What does America do better?
Lil Durk Got Arrested
Bradley IFV using it's Bushmaster and TOW missile against insurgent-held building in Fallujah.