Which show is the most spiritual successor to Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Angel doesn't count ) ?
Anyone else think the Madani vs Dumont fight was stupid?
The Best Punisher Comics
Is there a moment that made you think that Frank went “too far”?
Many say a DAW is the right way to start with EDM music... I really want to start with a synth. Is my logic sound? (more info provided)
This has to be one of the shittiest subplots I’ve seen on television.
Are you more "booksmart" than "streetsmart", or vice versa?
Why tf is "LatinX" now a thing?
Krunch! What effects are you using to make your drums sound delicious?
Rate My Dawless Setup
Kim Possible kinda remind me of Buffy Summers
The Wolverine is severely underated its a solid 7.8/10.
Any Buffy fans into Anne Rice?
Tell me what was your first slasher and how old were you.
Is the curse ever fully explain?
Is forge Neutralizer a necessary evil? considering how these scumbags use their powers to hurt and ruin people’s lives
Has Jean ever been called out in-universe?
Why do so many here dislike MCU Punisher so much?
Could Omar survive Oz?
My mom pointed out Johnny Galecki was on Roseanne. I looked it up and found this picture of him wearing a Milk and Cheese shirt.
How would Tobias Beecher do in Oz?
Human greatness is so rare and the state of the humanities makes me sad
What is it that makes Lenny Kravitz so uniquely lame?
Who you going with?
What's your opinion