What do you think of poppy and ian?
What’s your favourite Ava moment?
Hello :) which DW book do you most recommend?
Season Four is my unskippable season
Dobby the house elf from Harry Potter with his sock coin purse.
I'm jealous of my brother.
Doctor who fans, I need help
Finally happy with my 14/15th Console
What's the thing about this show that breaks you heart the most?
Is there a reason why non of the companions have a healthy, current relationship with their parents? And none of them have both parents, only one or none? (At least in new who)
Amazing Goodwill Haul That I Had To Share
What's the difference between bitlife & bitlife go?
Where is the toy solider?
How do I cancel my subscription?
Finchie friends and trading daily thread
Does anybody want to be my friend?
Got my first tattoo yesterday and I'm so excited!!
Everybody say hi to Crowley!!
Bluey tattoo
Okay, but who was your very first "Damn, I want to be him" character?
please show me a plush that brings you a lot of joy!! ⭐️
Rains new jumper! It's absolutely huge on her but I still love it lmao
What chapter is "anything for my moony" in?
I just want to know