Trump invokes 18th century law to declare invasion by gangs and speed deportations
Discussion Thread: 2024 Republican National Convention, Day 1
Discussion Thread: First US Presidential General Election Debate of 2024 Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump
US Navy plane overshoots runway and goes into a bay in Hawaii, military says
BHVR investigating reports of errors on launch
Tesla Daily Discussion - July 20, 2019
First thing we thought of when we saw the new Zarya skin
Rooster Teeth Extra Life 2018 Livestream Discussion - Q3
Senate panel schedules Kavanaugh vote for Friday
Grassley Announces Monday Vote on Kavanaugh, Rejecting Further Talks With Ford
I got more "Objective Time" then there was "Match Time"
Big Brother US20 - Episode Discussion - July 12 2018
What is the legality of the interstate compact to pool electoral college votes for the candidate who wins the popular vote and what would be the procedural changes be to future elections if adopted?
Democratic Party files suit alleging conspiracy by Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks to sway 2016 election
US-UK launch military strikes on Syria
Can you make your phone not display notifcations when wearing your watch?
UN strongly condemns DPRK ballistic missile launch over Japan
Underwater Sound Bug Fixed on PC
PC Patch - (Sound bug fixes) - Overwatch Forums
PTR Update removed the "Doomfist/Summer Games" line within the .exe.
Doctors of Reddit, what is your best "Is anyone here a doctor?!" story?
Dragon blade 15 seconds into the match
Donald Trump offers to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un 'under the right circumstances'