Is the MGS2 codec "music" scary to anyone else?
let's WHAT?
Which one of these would beat the other two in a fight?
What did 00Niine mean by this?
Is Sundowner hard?
There is no denying it anymore❗️
In your opinion, who is best girl?
MGSV is proof that Kojima was creatively bankrupt
Rate my skin pls. What i need to add? Maybe small details?
Solid Snake cosplay
Both are blonde,have blue eyes,are surnamed Miller,and are related to the military.
Never Be Game Over!! A bit of music I wrote to reflect Eli’s determined, demented spirit.
Can you guys make me look like snake?
Holy shit
So this is what snake ate in mgs3
Sons Of Liberty Patches
Which game is worse?
School Fit Tomorrow is Gonna Go Hard
My Naked Snake cosplay
Good to see he’s branching out