Who would win this fight?
On a scale from 1 to 10, what rating would you give each of these fights?
Which fight was more iconic to you: Camilla vs. Amy or Portia vs. Natalie?
Which fight was more iconic to you: Mehgan taking on Rima and Falen at the same time or the Victor twins getting jumped by Elease, Erica, Gia, and Mimi?
Do you guys agree that Elease and Ashley are THE prettiest bad girls in BGC history
Which pair would you choose to get jumped by for $5000?
Which moment do you think was the most disturbing?
How do you guys think the twins vs. the house would’ve turned out if Danni hadn’t split from Gabi and had gone up to the girls with Gabi by her side?
Who had the best outfit at the BGC10 reunion?
My overall opinions on the BGC8 girls
Who had the best outfit at the Bgc9 reunion
Who had the best outfit at the BGC8 reunion?
Who had the best outfit at the BGC7 reunion?
Who had the best bgc6 reunion outfit