Woman VS Technology, now, which videogame is about Man VS Reality
[Discussion] Day 5 : The Indomitable Martial King is selected for Man vs Society. Now which one fits Man vs Self?
Tell me your favourite anime character without telling me your favourite anime character.
What boss did you spend The most time on during your first playthrough
What are your favourite sports anime?
Your username is what killed Dokja
Let's do this guys ...... Day 1: what animanga do you thinks fits the best in man vs nature.
Bro needs to chill lol
[DISC]guys let's do this !..... Day 1 : what manga fits the category of man vs nature best. Most upvotes wins
[DISC] guys let's do this.... What manga fits the category of man vs nature
[Discussion] Day 2 : Devil returns to School days is selected for Man vs Man. Now which one fits Man vs God?
Name your three wishes [Anime related]
Favorite pink haired character?
[Name is in the image] why no one is talking about it
Which type of manhwa do you like?
[Star Embracing Swordmaster] Chapter 77, am i the only one getting goosebumps while reading the first few pages?
which one are you?
What's your least favorite boss, the one you hate fighting the most. Dlc/base game
The Scariest Game You've Ever Played?
Recommend me something based off of the only 2 i’ve read
You sure about that?
Any recommendations, I only started watching anime late last year.
What could be this?
What's the weirdest anime u watched .no judging
See the difference