If you got kidnapped by Jigsaw to play the Saw game and has to win one of the following games which one WYR choose?
Need robins sunglasses
Choose a Pokémon and I'll grant you a Power based on it
Cerco consigli
Ikea fa drug test durante la visita assuntiva? (In Italia)
How's my new haircut?
randomly replace all politicians with AI and see if anyone notices
Se proprio vogliono fare gli originali, usano l'infinito inglese(tipo TO Move)
Some girls hate a straight hunk who wears a thong and rocks it
So many stories, yet what's shown is never what came to mind when you heard the title.
Ho appena visto la pubblicità di Arredissima con Gerry Scotti...
Elysia chlorotica, an emerald sea slug, is the first animal known to be able to photosynthesize.
Why does Japanese have only one character (ん) without a vowel at the end?
Quali sono i vostri requisiti superficiali che deve avere il vostro partner?
Guy lands his dream job but exposes himself in the process
Cop is so bad at his job, his boss sells him out.
A man teaches his son about truth, but that doesn't stop the boy from nearly ruining his father's career
A soon-to-be single dad disregards the law and a popular vote over a large tract of privately held land he controls
What is my ideology?
Pros and cons?
In Korean the word for fish is essentially "water-meat", what's the goofiest thing in your language?
Domanda semi-seria: come spieghereste la Guerra moderna ad un uomo ai tempi di Dante?
Eeveelutions as Bears 🧸
Ugh, so much hair everywhere, it's a real struggle. I'm thinking about shaving it all off, but not sure. Anyone else super hairy and have any thoughts? Is it worth the hassle, or should I just embrace the fur? It's a tough decision.