Today is my BDAY and my GF gave me this as present <3
Shooter game with high replayability
Shooters like Payday The Heist and/or Heat (Movie 1995) thats single player
What stores in tokyo sell sonic plushies?
Low GPU Usage RTX 3080 and insanely low performance
Update 24 is out for RAID WW2
So are these guys Bensons or Toy factory
Just got these adorable fellas from meccha JP
Which Paydaytuber do you watch first?
We’re Starbreeze Studios, creators of the PAYDAY Franchise, and we’re here to answer questions about PAYDAY 3. Ask us anything!
Now I get it why Payday 3 bots can revive telepathically...
Payday 3 Merch store
Increase heister voice mod
Chains and dallas masks are now avaliable to purchase from the PD3 merch store!
Is crackdown mod for payday 2 still safe?
Favourite Payday 3 weapon?
Failed to Fetch Game Config Data
Let's collect a list of solo mode bugs!
From the latest blog post, wolf wishes you a happy midsummer!
Beware of creepies
Cannot fully extend arm out bug
Best payday 2 mods (pc)
How do I buy the mission "Golden Handshake"