How to Attack with No Hereos?
How to get stronger?
Lattenarsch muss aufhören "Fritten in die Türe packen" zu sagen.
Yes I am one of those Players...
How fast?
Wusste gar nicht, dass Lattenarsch jetzt E-Sportler in CoC ist.
Audino Trainer Dresco Town
Request: Pokemon Red Deluxe / Pokemon Blue Deluxe
FR gutes Lied
just spent $150 to max these 3, do you think it was worth it?
Thoughts on the Alchemist?
Recomendation for my second run?
I did IT 🥹
I think I'm stuck
How often should I ascend?
Worte können nicht beschreiben wie furchtbar dieses Foto von ihm ist.
Einzig richtige Wahl
Give me your TH Level and Attack Strategy! (No, I don't use GoWiPe.
Cookie Clicker 3ds past V1.0
Which townhall u think is the most enjoyable
Why i always loose please help me
How good are you with notation?
Explain this Chess Puzzle please
Is there an opening for a beginner wich works for black and white?
What should i work on?