The last thing you ate and your favorite color is his name
Why are you divorced?
Which hairstyle suits Junseo better?
favorite Porter song(s) from each album?
All of these complaints about "I want more variety", "The clothes all look the same", "Dress X looks just like Dress Y" are getting annoying and feel kinda toxic! - A rant
A bit disappointed that most outfits are cute/frilly/princessy, and are getting repetitive
Tyler and his new gf
Does this mean they lasted after the show?
The tent
These guys really think they are gonna find a genuine girl out of this bunch
I love seeing the boys get upset and hurt this season
The most creative way you have / saw someone cheat on a test?
Hot Take: Lino was only as faithful as his options…
u can stay anon but if u know someone from the show, how are/were they irl?
The person I’m the most frustrated with this season is actually Shante
why is there such a hostile reaction to infinity nikki in other gamer girl circles
One word to describe the feeling you get when playing IN that’s not GONGEOUS
Am I doing too much?
Some of you are secret Sian/Junseo haters but keep a YukSian shipper front
AIO? My boyfriend sent me this on Valentines Day and I'm shocked
Reminded my girlfriend about House Flipper. This is the result.
boyfriend wants me to be proud of him for NOT CHEATING on me 20f 35m
I promised myself I’d name my next cat something completely unhinged. i just took this tiny violent gremlin home and i can’t decide, send me your most absurd/unhinged name ideas :)
I'm looking for a beautiful name for my little cat baby girl . starting white the letter F
Vets misdiagnosing tumor and using Google on her phone to correct her diagnosis