Best Openings for Lower Rated Players
was i wrong?
What is this I've had it for years
The level of unhingedness is crazy.
Cancelled my membership
What's your opinion on the pieces? It's about how useful they are.
What are your shirt number tendencies?
Man United have a 200 ability player in my save........
Noob Question (Sorry)
Cannot achieve historical borders of the Kingdom of Sicily with the current in-game counties
I dislike culture shifting
What nation do you think is gonna be EU5's poster child?
Let's list some recurring non-historical stuff that happens
If made to choose, which God of Chaos would you devote yourself to?
I just picked up 60 cultists for 100$ and I don’t know why.
Does Laissez-faire mean you can never run out of gold reserves?
Why can't I just get this guy to shut up mann
Learning to play
Fallout New Vegas’s Caesars Legion Faction, and A breakdown of their society.
The Brotherhood of Steel surviving FO4's main quest is now canon?
Vault 111 after the TV Show
Are these good divisions
Why I Think the Show Is Goddamn Amazing / Todd Howard Didn't Murder New Vegas
What's with the "my lord"s and "sacred" of yhe brotherhood
Regarding the final credits of Ep. 8 of Fallout on Prime