I love the state I live in. But why do they make these abominations the only legal AR’s
One would think that a community event would have prizes that work for the whole community.
Duties that are implied the WoL soloed? (spoilers all)
What are your recent accomplishments that you’re most proud of?
What is a point in the MSQ that made you practically shout "Oh my God, YES!"? [Spoilers up to 7.1]
Am I the jerk for calling the cops on my aunt who stole my car for a "Family Vacation"
AITA for telling my friend that I wasn’t taking down my pride flag?
Jumping off the animation thread: What job do you think has the best sound design?
Characters that have that one hard af dialogue that makes you subconsciously crack the dumbest smile every time you hear it.
You can't tell people not to use Doton on single targets as a mentor, apparently
Do atheists need to respect religion?
Sequels so bad we all collectively agree they don’t exist
If God was proven, would atheists believe it?
Characters with really cool titles
Jobs with the best SFX?
You get to remove one of your body's needs. Which one do you choose? Why?
I dont know anything about the game and start today. Tell me your best tips and suffer moments
Which Job best nails its class Fantasy to you (and why is it RDM)?
This Banana bread a friend made
Red Moon
Venomous Allure
What's your favorite inn room?
Which full gearset, exclusively equippable for your main, do you like the most?
I'm not really crazy about the boots on this glam. Any ideas for alternatives that would match?