Gays, how comfortable are you inviting your straight friends to gay bars, Pride events, etc?
Resolution to oppose gay marriage gets shut down in Montana
Old OP fans, what did the period between Sabaody and post-time skip feel like?
Realistically, how long until they overturn Obergefell?
What is your opinion on Elbalph’s story so far?
Pride Month Removed From Google Calendar
I have questions about the latest plot reveal…
For the gays who weren’t cheated on, what reasons did your last relationship end?
What are some unannounced games that you’re confident are in development?
Luke warm take: I absolutely loved the gameplay of TLOU2 but hated the story and characters.
What continent/ country are most of you guys from?
Gays, how different do you think life would be for gays if there was no religion?
Which Sonic content this year was your favorite?
Do you believe Classic Sonic is still profitable?
What did you buy as an adult because you were denied it as a child?
it’s so over
One Piece Chapter 1133 Spoilers
What games can you just not get into
Men, how has the year 2024 been for you?
What is your opinion on Elbalf so far?
Men, what is the most cowardly/pathetic thing you’ve seen another person do?
Straight Women vs Gay Men: what do they find attractive?
How long should the first trailer of a movie come out before the movie’s release?
What are your controversial takes?
If you died today, what would be your biggest regret?