My GF lost(stolen) her phone today.. its a Nokia smart phone. And she worried about her photos. She think someone will miss use it.. The screen Lock was 6 or 8 digits pin number (hard to guess) and i wanna know someone will able to unlock it?
How many slots do you guys recommend for this building ?
Finally Pass 2M for the first time 🥳🥳
Should i sell to her? or wait for more 🥲..
Is this a good deal? Or should I find a better deal?
Comment with your animals most unique names!
Is it worth to unlocking more slots to this At my lvl ?
Hiring tom for diamond rings or hiring him to focusing farm visitor 2x coin event ? What is worth ?
Lets shere Barn and Silo spaces and your Lvl 🫰( B - 1100 / S -1000 )
In need of marker stakes
Got 8 slots so far (2×4).. Is this just enough ?
How can I make money? 🥲
Anyone else also feel that this is heavy going?
Hey there...... like to trade with 80 axes.. drop what you have.. (ratio depends on items value ) Drop your ratio also that would be easy.. Have a nice day 🩷
Just hit the 1000 At level 44 🤩
Tell me you won’t finish the event without telling me..
How to upgrade your farm quick by getting 3370 XP , +\- 17 Expansion materials & goodies every 6 hours or so 🔥🔥
What is your Barn & Silo storage and what is your level?
I can never find any stakes
Help me
Need advice..
Why some boosters have a diamond icon ?... can someone explain it?
Some say it’s a waste of time I say it’s advanced wheating strategy’s