Why did Batman become “less armored” between origins and asylum
My nephew refuses to go to our local park because he's terrified of this thing
My personal Kombat Pack 3 wish
Since the MK official sub reddit is never happy with anyone's kombat pack 3 wishlist, here's one we can all agree on
Names your most hated Spider-Man suit and why?
Kombat Pack 3 Wishlist
If the Mandarin didn't exist, who should become Iron Man's nemesis?
Does anyone know what this action figure is?
Patrick Warburton as the MCU Hammerhead
Petition for a white dragon skin for T-1000
Can anyone tell me who the hell is khrome?
If you had control of the Hourglass, What would be your New Era?
So how come mileena has a different mouth and cant fontrol her actions unlike the other infected like Baraka? Does the tarkat virus have different variants or strains?
“Say the name and it appears, I believe in Kombat Pack 3!”
90’s Lizard has been chosen as the best adaptation and TASM Lizard has been chosen as the weakest adaptation, Electro is next
Would you consider “Kraven’s Last Hunt” a part of the symbiote saga or its own standalone story that just happens to have the black suit?
If they make a another spider-man animated series where he's an adult, who would you prefer to voice him?
Finally we'll get the life action version of- 🤨of... uhhhhhh...🤔 a fully evil version of black cat?
First Impressions on this Vulture?
Which villain would you say absolutely deserved to die at the hands of Kraven?
I'm genuinely surprised that Spider-Man: the animated series (one of the most censored kids shows of all time) actually killed off Mysterio in season 4. The episode was "The Haunting Of Mary Jane Watson"
Spider-Man Wishlist Wednesday:
Literally everyone in this show is roided up
Why is the Vulture of the MCU so loved and appreciated???
Which spider girl is this? Is she peters daughter?