What smash hot take got you like this?
Wanted to join in and make one of these
Lovers Olympia skin concept
Some random clips I got today :>
Pointers for someone who has Thalassophobia?
Nah, I'll tech.
I think I committed first degree murder-
Can't find a certain video with a quote
She has arrived!!
I humbly request a simple addition to the Chef Loxodont skin.
Advice on what to do against Zetter shine
Oh boy! My opponent DQ'd first round and I'm going to round 2 in HBox's tournament! I wonder who I face ne-
Their second stock came and WENT-
How many of you guys are furrys…
Don't taunt me unless you know I'm dead
3 Sheild breaks, 3 stocks, less than a minute (I think they gave up on the last one lol)
Rocking out my new custom colors
Haven't competed in a bit, so I was happy to get top 8, one of my best results so far! (29 entries, went 4-2)
Completely fair Kragg gameplay (I'm sorry)
New voice line for Eternal Emperor Lox! (I know it's dark future, I prefer the old name :> )
Same brain cell
consider restocks for plushes so that we don't have to spend $100+ on used ones
Enjoy another meme I made
What are the chances- (I got confused who was who a lot during the match lol)