Pronation??? - high arches
Moving to Chat
Employer fraud
1.5 Month Lip Lift update!
Isn't this illegal?
Today went well.
8 hour shift with no breaks?
everyone hates me and i should die
Desperate for love
I’m getting unmotivated. Everything I try to cook tastes bad
Still mad at my husband
Just got married today. I’m 30M and my wife is 27F.
Husband cheated and left me
Husband Says Pregnancy is an Excuse
I am very insecure about my nose. Considering rinohplasty
26F, single. There’s no chance you can hurt my feelings. So hit me with your best shot.
One heck of a side profile. Deciding to be okay with it saved me $15k on a nose job though.
26,unemployed,drugs and booze enjoyer,family don't trust me anymore,failure.Do your worst.
Can anyone identify this tooth? Found on the bank of the Thames
Saw this cheesecake on Instagram and was wondering what it was called.
[REQUEST] Show with a lot of action that will get me hooked very fast
First bachelor pad to myself after finishing grad school. What am I missing?