AITA for having sex before marriage
What is it like to give head to a man?
He wants that ice cream so badly
Im stuck here but i mean, who would ever want to leave?
I accidentally woke her up, and I was too slow to take that picture, but now I have this!
"Are you looking at my tummy, human?🤨"
Kitties are helping out at the factory
Am I the asshole for refusing to lend my roommate my car after she wrecked hers?
AITA for rejecting my mom and refusing to forgive her and telling her she chose to be there for her affair partner's kids over her own so she needs to deal with it now?
What are you addicted to?
Whatever is to your left shall be his nickname.
Getting two new babies help me name them (black is a boy other one is a girl)
AITAH for kicking my sister and her baby out after what she did to my dog?
Saw these kittens warming up on my way home, so cuuute😭
What do you do if you miss your ex and know she still loves you and misses you too?
AITAH for nagging about $$ owed to me?