Buglist and other issues (Patch 14.19+)
[K'Sante] We were told to find new combos... so we went into the kitchen...
Bring Back K’Sante’s Old W & Rework His E!
Patch 25.06 Bugfixes
Is K’Sante hard to play?
Top Lane Characters' Matchup Bibles
K'Sante Matchup Guide
Oh hell nah 💀
How to avoid W cancel/forced max charge
K'Sante W Bug
High elo K'Sante main thoughts on the nerfs
So is warmogs the worst item in the game now?
The reverse bulgarian slingshot
Godrolling in Arena as K'Sante is so fun
K'Sante is a buggy mess
New ksante player
Ive been really enjoying Ksante lately but damn this threw me for a loop, ive been having this glitch happen every now and then. how about you guys? what are some bugs you've been experiencing?
Nerfing literally THE worst toplaner in the game right now. Where's the adjustments he was promised? The ones where his tank form is weaker and All Out stronger?
Patch 25.05 Nerfs
Is prestige skin worth to buy?
ksante nerfs
K'Sante nerfs announced for next patch
Any useful mechanic that i must know?