Got a nice surprise reattaining RC after a break.
Who is your go to healer if you’re the solo support?
In your opinion what is the number #1 thing that is ruining the game for you and should be fix?
Does anyone else here actually enjoy solo tanking, or is it just me?
How many prime Arnolds to 50/50 an enraged male silverback?
Bring Masterwork Spear of Annihilation to 99 and Mystic Staffs to 50 for consistency
Debating about God's existence is useless. Religious people would still hold their beliefs despite the lack of empirical evidence.
I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!
Triple-Duelist comps aren’t necessarily bad, it’s that the duelists willingly choose not to coordinate with their team.
Vanguard Mains: What is your best piece of advice to other Vanguards or new Vanguard players?
What is melees playstyle/feel/"shtick" like at higher levels/BIS/endgame?
This game needs better Matchmaking, 90% of games are heavily one-sided
This Jeff and Groot were menaces
Do I recall correctly?
I completely understand Venom's hatred for Spider-man now
Fat Eye in ranked GM ;)
You shouldn't be banned for the game not loading you in.
I'm the only one who thinks that Magneto needs a separate cooldown for self/allies bubbles?
Do Any Other Thor Mains Find That They Really Like Magik?
Give Adam Warlock some form of movement please, it would make him so more fun to play!
The character you wanted to main vs the character you actually main
Am I the only one who enjoys the new event?
I swear, these are some of the most annoying characters in the game
Sometimes is not that you have skill issue, it's just that your current character doesn't have the tools that your current Team needs right now
Re-post: When nobody steps in my bubbles... My own OC Fan-Art.