What's the name of this haircut?
Bands /artists starting with the letter "Z"
What does my Collection say about me
all the cds i got this year
Lesser known Björk songs that you like?
Yes, I'm A Witch
Ruin a song title by replacing one word with "fuck"
song eliminations! if you had to which song would you remove from preachers daughter next?
Preacher’s Daughter / Perverts Elimination game! The song with the most comments/ upvoted comment gets eliminated!
Whats y’all’s most played cd?
If Björk never made it big what job would she have?
what was the first ethel cain song you ever heard?
Seller won't Ship Item or Respond
Slow dance song?
Drop your favorite Björk line
What's your least favorite Björk song?
What's your least favorite Dead Sara song?
what is your favourite song by ethel?
You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, but now there’s….
What’s your favourite underrated track from her?
Got myself a Perverts CD.
Best look?
I searched for Ethel Cain on Etsy and this was one of the top results
i think hollow might be the best björk song
I didn’t know arca covered 15 minutes on self titled!
Favourite Remix ep?