Whats a band that u don’t understand how they became popular
Can't seem to get untranslated ones running
Do we think TT will address Mogami Ai murder?
Japanese Streamer Ai Mogami stabbed to death by “hater” on IRL stream
Bands you would love but are ruined by one member?
What are your favorite album from your favorite band that have been underrated by their fanbase?
The 3 Unholy Trinities 🦇🐐💀
Give Me an Album That You Believe Is Perfect
Mrekk's Title Screen is now worth 1774pp
mrekk 1 miss on Uta [Redemption] is now first 1.4k set in the game
NINERIK | Dragon Guardian - Tenkai e no Kippu [Our Ascension to Heaven] +HDNC (Astronic, 9.43*) 99.20% FC #1 | 1536pp | 1ST DT FC!!!
Has BTMC not learned anything from the toromivana age of tyranny incident?
i used to dream of times like this 🐬🐬
Akolibed back in prime ??
What about Blood Incantation?
toromivana019 | 1914 - FN .380 ACP#19074 [DOBRODOSLI U SARAJEVO] +DT (MANi, 12.13*) 69.71% 287/3604x 81xMiss | 321pp (1729pp if FC) | FIRST NON-RAKED DT PASS
It's International Women's Day! Let's celebrate our favourite female metal musicians!
mrekk is now speedrunning to #1 (>27,788pp)
mrekk on his new pp record
We all heard about the news of the new title for mrekk, what is your opinion of it?
mrekk | Tim Follin - Title Screen [The Game of Video Quick Draw] +HDDT (Mekadon, 12.60*) 97.57% 207/745x 6xMiss | 1887pp (2671pp if FC) | NEW STD PP RECORD !!!
Is it ridiculous to think that mrekk deserve a title?
toromivana019 | xi - Ascension to Heaven [BoshyMan's Extra] +DTHR (-Tynamo, 9.90*) 92.52% 717/1448x 0xmiss | 1043pp
funfact: there is a 200+ pp gap between the highest pp play of all time and the highest pp play by another player
My dear fellow listeners of metal music, what are your favorite japanese bands?