It's getting ICONIC!! Day 8: "H"
Now we're talking! Day 7: "G" (little format change, let me know your thoughts)
Can't say I'm not disappointed 😭 Day 6: "F" (THINK HARDER, THINK ICONIC)
Now THAT is ICONIC! Day 5: "E" Thrilled to see the responses for this one!
Yesterday was REALLY CLOSE! Day 4: "D" (P.S please try to keep them actual QUOTES and NOT just a random phrase or object, thanks 🙏🙏)
ICONIC ICONIC ICONIC.. day 3, letter C, lets see what yall got!
A little late but DAY 2: ICONIC SUITS LINES. I wonder what could start with B?
The MOST ICONIC Suits lines! Let's begin with 'A' shall we? Most upvoted comment wins!
David Costabile (Daniel Hardman) in Breaking Bad S3, E6 as Gale Boetticher
How Louis manages to pay these actors 350 usd an hour when they were not having any money