Which character is the most similar to Naruto?
What is this in my tenders….?
Who has the best lore in the big 3?
Who was Naruto’s most important teacher?
If you woke up in the world of Naruto, what's the first thing you're doing?
All these years later and we still don’t have the in universe explanation on why Naruto’s jinchuriki forms are different than the others. Why do you think that’s the case
Been Awfully Good At Shootout. Should I be posting Tips?Videos?
What anime is this?
How easy is it to become a jinchuuriki? only 9 tails that need high vitality to be able to support it?
Got a PS5 and Now I’m wondering if anybody wants to buy a Destiny Taken Edition Ps4
My son(2year old) has a Spiral Fracture.
Why do fans see Tsunade as weaker than other Hokage, judging only her offensive skills while ignoring her insane power as a support ninja?
Tell me characters who can beat Aang
Which Naruto character is your "hear me out"?
Congratulations you’ve managed to piss off Hulk. You have three people to take into battle with you. Who you got?
How cooked are you?
Make a healthy matchmaking
In Doomsday Leauge I happen to have the most challenging fights.
Choose only 3 of them
Do HOPELOY even touch grass💀
What can I say, wasn’t expecting Hexxy
Is it me or is Rusty one of the best 1 Keys?
New to the Community!
Completed the event tiers almost 3 days previous to the end date, now what?
During reanimation jutsu, where does the chakra come from?