Hanwha Life Esports vs. Karmine Corp / First Stand 2025 - Grand Final / Post-Match Discussion
2025 First Stand / Finals / Live Discussion
Which design trope about female characters do you dislike the most?
What the fuck is Elon retweeting
2025 First Stand / Semifinals / Live Discussion
Media that's trying to be mature, but in doing so, reveal how immature they are.
Ryukishi07 flexing his writer's aura on Konami
Free Talk Friday - March 14, 2025
Elon doesn't think Hitler commited genocide
Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark - Official Date Announcement Trailer
Favourite death traps?
Do you ever look at the release date of things and immediately feel old?
Disney's Snow White remake criticised by Dwarf actors for replacing them with CGI
Stupid phobias triggered by weird things in video games.
23 Nerfs are coming next week, with Patch 32.0
2025 First Stand / Group Stage - Day 3 / Live Discusssion
What is the smallest videogame-related molehill that you're willing to die on?
Riot Likely Renaming "Project K" (Unreleased TCG) to "Riftbound"
Which agent do you think has the most aesthetically pleasing abilities?
MikyX: "They're removing lane swaps so the other botlanes can't run away anymore... The KCorp botlane had some rough moments when they played against us."
Media with an absolutely amazing concept and worldbuilding that's ruined by insufferable characters.
Hey gamers! Where did all the testosterone go In gaming?
Comic book characters that are probably never getting adapted completely?
Covers of songs you otherwise don't like
Furries Unite