How to fix Karlach?
Does the Lich Mythic Path lock you into an evil alignment?
highest assist kill in the history
Should I keep or kill my Grimborn?
Anyone else wish there was more race variety in companions?
1912-13 Balkan Wars, 1,5 million Balkan Turks and Ottoman Muslims Forced to Exile and Death
1912-13 Balkan Savaşları Sırasında 1,5 milyon Balkan Türkü Osmanlı Müslümanının Zorla Sürgünü ve Ölümü
TIL that "Ivan the Terrible" could more accurately be translated as "Ivan the Formidable"
The record speaks for itself
Segregation in America be like
Something I always do!
The word Vignette comes from the Middle French noun vigne, meaning "little vine". Such designs got their name because they often looked like little vines, running along the blank border of a page, or marking the beginning or end of a chapter.
It never gets easier seeing my founders become elders. 🥲 These two had four girls and cared for them on their own while also tending to their large garden and farm animals. They've had a good life in Henford-on-Bagley and always kept a strong bond. 🫶
Me with Lae'zel
New Poster for Celine Song's 'The Materialists' Starring Dakota Johnson, Chris Evans, and Pedro Pascal- Follows a young, ambitious New York City matchmaker who finds herself torn between the perfect match and her imperfect ex.
The "Is it woke?" Steam group labels game as woke because "an npc is cross-dressing". That NPC is based on a real woman who used disguised herself as a man to live as a pirate.
Suffering from success
Welcome to the jungle
These are the jokes people 🤣
2 different Civil Wars
I queued some actions and left him alone for one minute and he wALKS INTO THE WATER?
Oops it happened again.
It's not a phase Vlaakith!!
Burned out
Man can't play in peace
Just bought love struck expansion pack on sale