It might be weird but i think Fortnite has been designing skins butts unrealistically for a long time and I don't think that's right bc most skin looks weird with it (Left one is from Dead by Daylight)
DBD Meta in a Nutshell
She tried to have a better life so she deserves to get tortured, raped, and brainfried
Now that Kaneki is coming to DBD who else would you want to see from other Anime?
It you're doing this, bring unbreakable, bc I ain't picking up.
Is it just me that genuinely only ever cared about cosmetics in this game? The devs really cooked with the skins and made players feel like the character they play even more
You can lookup items based on its color
Have anyone made any character from DanMeshi? Imagine 4 party of this
ranked the mh wilds roster by how edible i think they are
I would like to extend a thank you to tank mains
It's the drip that counts. Always has been.
They COOKED with this chapter
I dont see what the big deal is,
Devs, if you’re wondering why I haven’t spent any units:
I see why they're giving Dupli-Kate for free...
I really hope it’s springtrap, adn not the mimic, I’ll be happy no matter what map it is though
fortnite skin ahh killer 🙏😭😭
Which Hellfire Gala variants are you hoping make it to the game?
I really love the Nomad intro cuz It feels longer and more action packed. What's your favorite Lifepath intro and why?
since primal will be turning 4 years old soon i want you to say at least 1 good thing about primal
Silly clips from my meme killer games
Low hanging painful fruit for me
I got all Killer Adepts (Merciless with Demo too) Ask me anything.