uhhh guys?
What band is this?
What’s your favorite/the best metal album art?
Is this good?
My new halo cosplay!
What band is this
Blursed john halo
Halsey spotted irl
Postal cat doll thing
Does anyone know what guitar tunings all of Slayers albums were in?
They were on the cover of the "weekly world news"
Name any Slayer song using only emojis
Favorite readable band logo?
let’s just get rid of the main aspect of BM..
Sargent d (S.O.D) cosplay
Searched "213" by Slayer and noticed it's view count. Fuck yes!
I’ve had this tattoo forever, and didn’t realize 213 was about JD until I watched the Netflix show
I got a Show no Mercy themed tat today!
Do you think it's safe to wear this to school?
Trying to get into slayer
South of Pole!
Delusions of Savior for my school concert
Mars Attacks + Graphite Art
[Link in Image Caption] POP Movies: Mars Attack - Alien Soldier Specialty Series Exclusive (Pre Order) now available at VRare
Well, after many years the Martians from Mars Attacks are back!