AIO bought my bf a $200 pan, told him not to use metal on it.
My husband left our 5 year old and 9 month old home alone and refuses to explain why
Have no idea where this plate is from
Roommate keeps claiming she has bedbug bites.
Roommate keeps claiming bedbugs
A YouTube comment three years later...
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out because he “forgot” about my allergy?
Oh, you're charging me for excess baggage? Challenge accepted!
Ticketmaster doesn't know what bots are, take two
You get 1$ for every M&M you eat.
what do you say when you get approached by a woman?
Sage sticker by me
The semester ended like any other, and as I walked down the staircase to leave I called out to my best friend: "I love you!"
I'm addicted to ________
Ouija, can you recommend me a band to listen to?
I'm not racist, my ________ is black!
AITB For holding a rabbit from his owner because I think he abused the other one to death?
If you play a custom with cheats on you can revive yourself with Sage, she even has a voice line for it: "So that's what it feels like"
If you play a custom with cheats on you can revive yourself with sage, she even has a voice line for it: "So that's what it feels like".
AITA for gifting my mom and her husband a book on cheating for their anniversary?
Agent profiles for gun loadouts?
Help me find this Chinese Webcomic?
Proposal: Map voting in pre-match
I need help finding a webcomic (or two)