Comps are hard as a f2p, I hope these do not flop lol
thoughts on this set?
NARUTO Fans come on! ! !
Thought it would be decor but it’s a coat, kinda bummed out about it
does anyone know who made these pants???
New Update
My entry
I just wish they never put those stockings under skirts in Cosmix
what’s everyone doing for the idol comp?
I demand a muscle mommy
I feel so blessed I’m at peace 😌
Thoughts on my net obsession entry
What's your least fave make up?
Guys for this comp you are “around children”
this is soo cute
My entry for the scarf comp? whats everyone else do?
Where is the hair from?
pls show your DIYs with these eyes
Share your homescreen Avi’s
What y'all doing for the new post comp??
Ummm…. I don’t think I will keep that
How are they doing the pose without the shirt
Is it just me or the hand/fingers are weird here?