How do you beat Sorganiel in a 1v1?
Give me examples of characters who are actually black hole level, as in they have actually created black holes. More than once. Multiple at a time. And with minimal effort.
Weird creative choices for sure
Who wins?
Who’s the strongest person in the verse Aizen can crush with his spiritual pressure alone?
SK Yhwach (Highest Interpretation) vs Whis
All NON ELITE sternritters at once vs Bankai Yamamoto
What is the point of demons in this story?
My name is DH
Visualization of Magic {Discussion}
I finshed it
Battle of the Mid Tier Captains Part 2: Shinji VS Rukia (1 V 1)
Does Zanka no Tachi: East have existence erasure?
1 2 2 50
You're all just afraid of strong women, aren't you?
Can yall PLEASE stop spreading this theory around and talking abt it as if if was actually confirmed
How many fingers does Sukuna need to survive 10,000,000 curse Uzumaki?
Hunter x Hunter facts
I like how Frieren was completely outmatched against Qual
Type 'I love myself a' and let autocorrect finish the rest
What are Gremmy's chances of killing Uryu?
Reiastu neg should not be used in crossverse
[discussion] Kurgan design is so peak, one if not the best of the series (so far at least), who agrees?