Kredīts 20-26 gadu vecumā
Hokeja fanu krekls
HBH Palanga, jeb Jozis.
Apskates vietas Rīgā (Latvijā)
Rīgas satiksmes maršrutu sarakstu neprecizitāte!
Season opening [Latvia]
Kāds šeit jaunībā spēlēja CS 1.6 serverī?
[Quasi-rant] Banking as a foreigner in Latvia?
Anita un neiegūtie 908 600€ part 4
[GIVEAWAY] Hello r/PCMasterRace! Almost 2 years ago, I quit everything and started a company selling 1 mousepad, now we have gaming mice available. We’re truly grateful for your support and we want to giveaway 20 gaming mice.
Dārgie sapotētie! Kāpēc es nevakcinēšos/nepotēšos?
'Aculiecinieks' - Nakts uzņemšanā
How to cure depression by Dr.K
LuckyStreak / Evolution Gaming
Game of WSB (sound on for singalong)
Shroud announces he is coming back to Twitch
WCGW if I light up this firework
Question to Russian-Latvians
This guy hates cops
Found this under police shootout video
How can you piss off the most people with the fewest words?
New Summoner name
Weekly Stream Discussion - April 23, 2018-April 29, 2018
He's back in masters