Stretched ears painful
Looking to be first time home buyer
first time trying Cinnaholic
Could I be Pregnant?
please help, only 15
Could I be pregnant? Sorry if not allowed
Help me clean a couch and get out stench
School issues, can I sue
Is this illegal/ can I sue?
Where do you find these
Eating human food/bread
Eli5: food question
Day 3: Who’s the meanest?
Lyric question
Meal plan
Finished ugly Betty
Me watching Betty kiss Henri while Matt is in the background
Why are they missing an eye?
Cats sex?
Why is there so much normalised “accidental” cheating in Ugly Betty?
[TOMT] Movie about dead girl kept in wheelchair
Lost episode?
ID REQUEST — Was sold to me as cubensis but having doubts for presentation. Any idea what this is?