What are some bands you rarely hear anyone say anything bad about?
Why do you think Silverchair failed to make much of an impact outside of Australia?
The Chris Cornell suicide scene revealed In police photos. What an amazing artist he was.
The Murder of Chris Cornell
I didn’t stop watching, but I sure did feel this way
What albums made you react like this
I showed my best friend this picture of Layne while fangirling and she said he looked like Logan Paul ☹️💔
Nazi punk bouncer
First official posed Nirvana photo in... how many years? Yeah, with Post Malone. 🤷♂️
Other bands yall like
Ruin a band name by changing just one letter
Actually smoking ‘laced weed’
Bodycam newly released from Ohio shows po po helping scum wtfs
What an underrated and under-appreciated song. It really makes you feel like Tornado. Have you gotten this far on this hidden gem of an album?
What song is this for you?
Into the Pit
What band is this for you because of the fans?
What’s Darkthrone’s heaviest song?
The zombies had enough of me killing them with my car door
Nazis getting run out again
Neo-Nazis who showed up in Lincoln Heights (metro Cincinnati) Ohio were chased away by locals who stole and burned their swastika flag in the street
Making a nirvana type instrumental but worried I may have subconsciously copied an existing song. Does this sound similar to any nirvana song that exists to yall?
Artists with vocal style like Kurt Cobain/ Bands that SOUND like nirvana?