I can’t get over my ex fiancé and cry almost every night.
I can’t do it anymore. I’m close to writing a note and in my head everything is planned out.
Close to the end of the line and I don’t know how much more I can take.
I don’t deserve love and my life is pointless. I just want to give up.
Is it too late for me, am I’m just to far gone and won’t ever be able to be happy?
I thought I was going to die in my car accident and it doesn’t matter.
Does anyone else clasp their hands and use it in as a way to also verbally communicate?
Still miss her, but I’m trying to move on.
I miss her and to her I was just toxic and I can’t let the past go.
I lost the love of my life and my two friends and I blame myself, but apart it my autism.
9 year breakup and I can’t do it.
What is the importance of this metal bar under the CV boot?
Can’t seem to make friends around here. Does going out on the weekends help?
In between my little man’s toe beans. Feels like a scab. I’m afraid to try and clean it I have a first aid kit for pets, but I don’t have prescribed ointment.
My fiancée of 9 years is breaking up with me and I tried everything. She’s done.
I need recommendations to meet people and make friends and groups.
Going out of my comfort zone and going to the Bangkok Lounge tonight!
I want her and I need her. I’m about to lose everything these next two months.
Does anyone want to be my friend?
I’m really struggling today, day one after breaking up with my fiancée.
I’ve lost my childhood cat, my two friends abandoned me during my car accident, and my fiancée is leaving me.
I lost guys. I lost her.
You all recommended I need to stim more or my work burnout will ruin me further, help.
My therapist asked me a few weeks ago have you ever forgiven yourself for the mistakes you’ve made?
OCD controlling another job once again.