"I have a foreboding of an America..." -- Carl Sagan [1600x2149]
Me in my new bibs getting ready for my 2.3 km commute
Magnus Schevin in 1993 before being worldly known for many kids as “Sportacus"
Making music using only your mouth at this level is simply incredible
My own work
Kickin' Chicken.
The peak of my entire calisthenics journey, so far
Everybody loves WeeeBices
Don’t go on Red!
Vintage photo of the bike so fast the Deep State had it banned.
Finished my newest Tattoo
Trading Action - Thursday, December 19, 2024
Is this even UCI legal? are they stupid
What is your go-to Mozart's Requiem recording?
acoustic cycling
Elon paid us a visit tonight.
What song can you not listen too?
Good & Informative Press Is So Important
French song for knights ! Orchestral + pop.
Trading Action - Friday, November 15, 2024
MicroVision's Q3 2024 Earnings Call Summary
Let's all Be Nice Today
Rage Against The Machine's Tom Morello hits back at haters on social media over the band's politics and pro-vax allegations
Just discovered this sub and loving it. Here's a stick-n-poke for ya.
A mural I painted in Romania last summer.
New omega day! Cashmaster!