Byron seems to be most hated for being morally gray, edging out Lennier. Who is the most hated horrible person, and why is it Kosh 2.0?
A real ragroody
Was macht diese BR628 in Wuppertal?
Ariane 1 Launch
Ariane 1
When you’re so disappointed you don’t know where to begin
Le Super Hero has arrived
Le Gay dateing has arrived
"Today, about 10% of the US is Irish"
An die leute die an einem Feiertag Geburtstag haben. Wie ist dass so?
Pimp my Reich has arrived
The US propably paid for the new TGV
Le person who interrupted Stalin has arrived
A juice about American transphobe hypocrisy
Folgt mir für mehr Motivationssprüche. #DenkfabriKantenhausen
Männer xD
This map from a South Park episode.
Pathetic, Hans. What would Opa say?
Le medieval crimes have arrived
Le religious debate has arrived
Kann ich nicht annehmen
If we say we make champagne here then we make champagne
Was ein Dilemma